
Florasone Eczema Cream


Price: $12.50

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Florasone® Eczema Cream is a cortisone-free, maximum strength cream for itching, eczema, inflammation and rashes, safe for long-term treatment. Its active ingredient comes from a flowering tropical vine used medicinally for centuries and now available in the United States as a natural alternative to cortisone. For years, skin specialists and family doctors in Europe have recommended the use of Florasone® Eczema Cream as a natural alternative to cortisone for the itching, redness and rashes that accompany eczema. Florasone® Eczema Cream absorbs quickly into the skin without the side effects common to steroidal cortisone. It contains no animal products, and leaves no greasy residue.

Active Ingredients (HPUS, Class N): Cardiospermum tincture 10%.